Save $200 on the Shooter Suite 13 Academic by Red Giant.

Red Giant Shooter Suite student discounts & coupon codes

  • Red Giant Shooter Suite 13 Student version is only $199, saving you $200 on the full retail price for the suite.

Red Giant Shooter Suite student coupon codes


Red Giant Shooter Suite Student Discount
Red Giant Shooter Suite education version is now available to all students with a saving of $200, so if you are a student, now is certainly the time to get yourself an amazing deal.

Shooter Suite features:
Red Giant Shooter suite provides you with delivery tools and footage prep for your shoot and timeline with your audio synced.

Shooter Suite gives you access to the 4 most amazing plug-ins enabling you to access a total on-set footage prep and delivery solution, audio sync, share color decisions made on set and merge recent footage with older video formats sharing the edit.

The Red Giant Shooter Suite 13 contains the following plug-ins:-

PluralEyes – Provides you with synchronized audio and video in seconds.
Frames 1.1 – Provides a 24p film look to any video footage.
Instant 4K – Enables you to quickly upconvert your video into an array of high resolution formats.
Offload – Ensures that your footage is always protected.

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