After Effects CS6 training

If you’re new to After Effects or just want to get the most out of the new features of CS6, then this training course could be just the thing you were looking for.

In this course, author Ian Robinson introduces Adobe After Effects CS6 and the world of animation, effects, and compositing. Chapter 1 introduces the six foundations of After Effects, which include concepts like layers, keyframes, rendering, and moving in 3D space. The rest of the course expands on these ideas, and shows how to build compositions with layers, perform rotoscoping, animate your composition with keyframes, add effects and transitions, and render and export the finished piece. Two real-world example projects demonstrate keying green screen footage and creating an advanced 3D composition with the expanded 3D toolset, an important addition to CS6.

Topics include:

* Setting up the workspace, important preferences, and the
* Importing footage and comps
* Relinking missing footage
* Creating type, shape layers, and masks
* Rotoscoping with the Roto Brush
* Adjusting keyframes in the Graph Editor
* Timing animations to audio
* Building backgrounds with effects
* Rendering with the Render Queue and Adobe Media Encoder
* Animating 3D type
* Smoothing shaky footage and retouching footage
* Keying green screen footage
* Working with 3D: extruding shapes, adding ray-traced
lighting, and more

If you want to check out this course for free, then you can get 10 free days of unlimited access here.